
Food Pantry Ministry to Bowler Retirement Center

This ministry was started in October 2004 as an effort to help the elderly residents of the Bowler Retirement Center located at 26th and Leigh Streets. The program began with a donation of food from the Youth Evangelism Conference and $800 from the Virginia Baptist WMU Emergency Food Fund. Continued support for this program comes from the members of Leigh Street. We purchase food and deliver bags of groceries to 31 residents, monthly. The food we deliver makes the difference between being fed and being hungry for these residents. 

This continuing ministry is an opportunity to demonstrate the love and compassion of Christ to a hurting world. Volunteers gather after service on designated Sundays to deliver the groceries.

Food Distribution Items That May Be Donated

Canned Low Sodium Green or Yellow Vegetables (regular-size cans)
Canned Meat (Spam or Treat)

Canned Fruits (Low Sugar)
Prepared Entrees (Canned Spaghetti, Ravioli, or Stew)

Staples (1 pound bags of Rice)
Individual Packages of Instant Hot Cereal

Macaroni & Cheese Dinners
Canned Tomato or Chicken Soup (regular-size cans)

Boxes of Powdered Carnation Milk

Children on Mission

Every second Sunday, during worship service, the children participate in outreach projects for the church community. These projects range from sending letters to shut-ins to brighten their days; packaging the groceries for the Food Pantry program; and any other projects that enable our children to learn about using their gifts and talents to serve our community.

Global Missions

Leigh Street Baptist Church supports Gary and Lynn Fujimo, Missionaries to Japan

Capetown Project

In 2002 Leigh Street Baptist Churchbegan a relationship with Monwabishi Maqogi in Khayelitsha Township, Capetown, South Africa. Monwa was leading bible studies, choir practice, worship, and community outreach from his shack. The shacks in Khayelistsha resembled tools sheds that you see here, but these shacks were made of scrap materials that people found in the trash.

Our pastor, James Colvin, and his wife Martha were visiting their son in Capetown when they met Monwa. Their son, Chris, was good friends with Monwa. Upon their return Leigh Street decided to help build Monwa a decent house that could be used for both his family's residence and place for ministry. The church also decided to help support Monwa with monthly contributions of $200. This would go a long ways in this extremely poor community.

Monwa is now pastor of El Shaddai Christian Ministries that meets in their own building. This is a small building but it is dry and it is theirs. Leigh Street helped with this project, along with others who provided much of the money. We continue to support them with monthly contributions and some help with special projects.

This work has shown phenomenal growth in a community of extreme poverty. God is indeed at work there. We are delighted to be part of what God is doing in Khayelistsha Township in Capetown, South Africa.


Harvest Home Offerings

Held the weekend prior to Thanksgiving, Harvest Home is an event that brings former and current Leigh Street community members together to share a family meal. The offering during the Harvest Home service is divided among various outreach programs.

Church Hill Activities and Tutoring (CHAT) Summer Camp

CHAT is located in Church Hill and works with young people through after school activities and tutoring. Their purpose is to provide these young people Christian experiences and encouragement. In 2008, they opened a school which offers high school classes for 9th and 10th grades. In addition to academic courses, they teach students to develop their entrepreneurial skills by running small businesses. CHAT reaches and influences many young people in our community. In the Summer of 2009, Leigh Street Baptist Church partnered with CHAT by providing space for CHAT's summer camp program.